Book Info & Excerpts

Valuation for M&A: Building Value in Private Companies
Chris M. Mellen and Frank C. Evans Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Winner of 2010 Thought Leader Award presented by the Alliance of Merger and Acquisition Advisors.
Now in its Second Edition, Valuation for M&A: Building Value in Private Companies will help you discover the tools necessary to determine what your company’s value is, what drives its value, and how to manage and enhance that value in both daily operations and in an M&A transaction.
You will learn:
- How to manage a company as an investment to maximize shareholder annual returns and sale price upon exit by focusing on returns, risk, and capital invested.
- The differences between strategic value and fair market value, due diligence questions to ask, and how to adjust financial statements, compute net cash flow, develop discount rates and multiples, and reconcile conflicting indications of value.
- How buyers should value and price a company to achieve their required rate of return.
- The impact of fair value accounting, intangible asset valuation techniques, exit planning, valuation factors unique to cross-border M&As and venture-backed/early-stage companies.
The book concludes with a chapter containing a comprehensive case study to illustrate concepts and calculations.
Download sample excerpts here:
- What Makes Planning for a Private Company Investment Unique?
- Why is Exit Planning So Difficult?
- Why Should Exit Planning for a Private Company Begin Now?
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