Your Challenges

Private company owners face unique challenges. Customers, suppliers, employees, creditors and the government all must be satisfied for the company to succeed. At the same time, business owners must manage personal relationships and obligations—with family members, key employees and fellow investors. Continually changing competitive conditions compel owners to constantly plan for the short and long term. And throughout this process, the company must generate profits that provide an adequate return on the owners’ investment.
With such broad and deep challenges, owners occasionally face decisions or conflicts that are quite difficult to resolve. But without resolution, owners may not be able to achieve the financial, professional or personal peace of mind they desire. The more common and difficult owner challenges include:
- How can I build my company to achieve its full potential?
- What is my company worth and how can I protect the wealth I have built?
- When and how do I harvest my private company wealth?
- How can I grow my business through a merger or acquisition?
- How can I bring in family without hurting the company or my family?
- How can I provide for family who are not involved in my business?
- How can I bring additional capital or owners into my company?
- How do I decide what to do with my company if I don’t know now?